Sunday, February 24, 2013

I am thankful

I have not heard any word on my application for the OT program. I am hoping I will hear something by 03/01/2013. I made some mistakes along the way that I have learned from. Today I just wanted to take time to post about being thankful. Some people tend to take for granted the things that are given to us because they come second nature or automatic. I AM AWARE that EVERY moment I have here on this earth in which ever place I stand is a gift.SO today I wanted to share my thankfulness with you today.

I am thankful for my job, my family, my home I live in, the things seen and unseen.
I am thankful for the love my husband has for me
I am thankful for the love my kids have for me
I am thankful for the love I have for my family and the love I am learning to have for myself.
I am thankful for my utilities, the limbs on my body that move at my command
I am thankful for the food we have to eat,the liquids we have to drink,
I am thankful for all of my senses
I am thankful for being on the right path in my life right now
I am thankful that I am peaceable
I am thankful for the money that I have, the two forms of RELIABLE transportation we have
I am thankful that I am safe
I am thankful that I am in school getting an education
I am thankful that I finish what I start....
I am thankful.............

What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for you, for you reading this post and giving me some of your time to day, I am hoping the best for you.

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