Friday, September 7, 2012


I am thinking about taking a Reiki level I&II course. I firmly believe that is is because our unbalanced energy that can cause illness and stress to the body. I am also thinking about taking to course an enhancer to my Occupational Therapy career. The classes are coming up in October. I haven't talked to my husband about it yet. I have been accused for taking on more than I can chew, But I just feel drawn to take the class.

By the way my Anatomy class is kicking my, I have full confidence that I will be able to succeed in these class. I just need to get my study grove and to find the best way for me to retain this information because I technically will not be using the knowledge that I am learning now until next August.

By the way, does anyone out there know of any scholarships that are good to apply for?

I am sending out good energy to all of you out there, hoping to the best for you.

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