Wednesday, September 19, 2012

So long no type....

Good evening friends,
      I have been gone sooooo long. My anatomy class has had me studying my 2% of my body weight brain off. LOL, I am using what I am learning in class on my blog. LOL. The best way to retain it, is to apply it. I am up watching American Dad. It is my nightly show that I watch to put me to sleep. This show is a trip. Anyways, I must tell you that anatomy is no joke. I am really trying to make sure that I get an A in this class along with the lab. I did not do well on my first test in my lab. I did not do good at all. I am having to do a ton of extra credit to get the grade up. I did really bad on that first test. REALLY BAD!!!!!!!!!!! Lab is a learning experience all in itself. I am learning more about grown adults that are never satisfied that are always needing to complain about something ,and I am learning more of what I will be doing in the OT course. I learned that the anatomy class that OT students need to take in school are more in depth and focus a lot on skeletal muscle. Right now we are on the muscle system in lab and I am trying my best to make sure that I retain this information. Trying to tell my brain to put this information in my long term memory! Please brain please retain this information. I am doing farly well in my lecture course. Next week is my last week of anatomy then as of October 8, I should be heading into Physiology.
      It's crazy how much school cost. I am needing to call the financial aid office to evaluate my payment options. I applied for a scholarship this month. I will not hear back about the scholarship until the end of next month, hopefully.
     Ok well I am going to head back to watching my nightly cartoons. Will type to you soon.

Hoping the best for all of you out there.

Friday, September 7, 2012


I am thinking about taking a Reiki level I&II course. I firmly believe that is is because our unbalanced energy that can cause illness and stress to the body. I am also thinking about taking to course an enhancer to my Occupational Therapy career. The classes are coming up in October. I haven't talked to my husband about it yet. I have been accused for taking on more than I can chew, But I just feel drawn to take the class.

By the way my Anatomy class is kicking my, I have full confidence that I will be able to succeed in these class. I just need to get my study grove and to find the best way for me to retain this information because I technically will not be using the knowledge that I am learning now until next August.

By the way, does anyone out there know of any scholarships that are good to apply for?

I am sending out good energy to all of you out there, hoping to the best for you.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Anatomy class

This session I have deiced to take only one class, and that is Anatomy 261 with it's companion Lab 262. It is so much information. In one of our classes we saw human organs, which made me beel very uncomfortable. A friend in my class had to break it down for me. She said." These were donated to science so that we can learn from them." That really made me put things into perspective. I still had to call my doctor and talk to him about it because I was having all kinds of bad dream. He just gave me a pep talk and explained that the way I am feeling is normal and the feelings will soon pass with enough exposure to these types of things. Then I had to ask myself do I want these feeling to really pass? I am going to school to become an Occupational Therapy, what does this have to do my hands digging around inside of a corps? The my teacher said as loud as day that OT students have to dissect the face, the arms, the legs, the hands and feet. I am still having to take a deep breath on that one because I did not go into nursing for the simple fact that I do not was to see bodily fluids and the passing away of people. HHHHHH......well I did sleep well last night though. Maybe my doctor is right..... I will get used to it.... If anyone has any suggestions for me about getting through Anatomy classes and my future anatomy classes that invold dealing with corpses please let me know...

I am hoping the best for everyone out there.