Thursday, May 1, 2014

Visualize Success

Guess what today is????? It is the last day of my Movements class. From what I have learned by speaking with other OTS, is that it is the Kinesiology class in other schools. I am so thankful that my teacher for the class has amazing energy. He was balance with being entertaining and professional. I just loved him. He already has our final grades up for the class. I am soooooo bumped that the information that I learned in this class just seemed to click. In my other classes, I left like I had to work really hard. This class felt like my cup of tea. The book explained concepts in "occupation based" terminology. I was able to see why it was so important to know about proper shoulder ADDuction and scapular protraction, etc. When I think about it, a client cannot reach across their body to turn the page of a newspaper if they do not have the proper ROM, range of motion.

To be honest, I am not sure if it is just because I loved the class or if it is because I visualized my success in the program. Like I have mentioned in other post, my Anatomy class was very challenging in a good way. The teacher I had for the class was very thorough. I can see how the information that I learned in that class carries over into my Movements class. I feel that if I had not had a good foundation from her class, I may have struggled in this class. The two classes go hand in hand. First I learned about the muscles and what they do. Then I learned about how those muscle allow clients to function in their daily life. When I finished my Anatomy class, I told myself that I am already a graduated OT. I figured if I could pull through that class with all the studying and application, then I must have it. I started visualizing myself putting on my cap and grown and saying my appreciation speak to my husband. I feel like I am good to go now. I am not saying I think the remainder of the program is going to go as smooth as this session has been for me, but I am saying I feel more confident that I will make it to graduation and I will be a great OT. I can do this. WE CAN DO THIS. I see it in my minds eye and I feel it in my heart. To think, in 3 more months I will have one whole year of OT school under my belt. Man that feels good.

On Monday, I will be heading to Columbus, OH for my first Level I which is Peds. This will be the only time that I will be able to travel out of state to do a whole week of Fieldwork opposed to going on every Tuesday. I am excited.  YAY! I made it to LEVEL I!

I have not forgotten to tell you all about my first AOTA conference. I am really hoping to write about it this weekend!

Hoping the best for all of you. I am thankful that I feel confident about my education right now. What are you thankful for about your OT journey?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. OOOHHHH NO Jennifer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was really appreciated your comment. I did get to see it in my email! Sorry I could not response sooner. Level I was busier than I thought it was going to be. I am so thankful that you found OT! I believe that everything happens for a reason. I am thankful for you,your comments and you for continuing reading my blog! You are amazing!

  2. Yay for making it to LEVEL 1! Congrats!! & yes you totally left us hanging on the conference! Lol I'm glad everything is starting to come together for you! ;)

    1. LOL, I know I was all wrong on that. LOL lazy and busy..... do those to go together? LOL
