This has been such a fun week. This week started off with orientation. We met our teachers for the next 30 months. One thing I like about OT is that you see people from all walks of life in this profession. As my teachers introduced themselves and explained when we would be in their class, I saw the "funny" teacher, the "calm" teacher, the "high energy" teacher, the "monotone" teacher and so on. I really like that OT's do not have one type personality. I love the fact that most of my teachers are still in the working field, they still have a full case load and are full time teachers. It is love when someone can work TWO full time jobs AND are passionate about both of them. We learned that our "journey" is like kayaking(teachers, education and peers) down the Ohio River(journey) where we encounter all kinds of obstacles, but the kayak has what we need to keep moving forward on the journey safely. We also made cohort brackets that was a class building exercise. Most of the people in our class had already met because we had already attended two get togethers to break the ice. After orientation some of us went out for lunch.
The actual lecture started on Tuesday. Our professor, Dr. Leader, is the "funny" teacher. He started us off right! We had our first group presentation on Wednesday. It was something that Dr. Leader did on the spot. He said he had never done this particular group presentation before. Each group had to present different parts of OT history. The catch was, which we did not know until we were going up to present, that our audience was a group of high school students that we had to keep engaged. We all started off rough, but once Dr. Leader showed us that he wanted a "theatrical" presentation, each group got better. Today we ended on OT framework. What I got out from that is that what we do,the framework, is based on how we bill the insurance company so we can get PAID! So I have this in mind, if I am wrong can someone please correct me because I am still learning.... Framework= Billable guidelines! Our first test in next Monday, and we already have 4 days of study groups set. We also delegated class representative.
Then my class went out for lunch again after class. Unfortunately I had to work, so I did not get so go. I have already seen pictues of the fun they had. They also started a softball team tonight too. They named themselves The Regal Eagles. They went out for diner again after their game. THEEEEEEENNNNNN...... we have made a schedual to start running on the weekends together. I am not a runner soooo we will see how that goes. Right now, we are one big happy family! I am thankful for being here with all these amazing people.This was a great way to kick off my OT education.
I am hoping the best for all of you out there!
I'm still trying to get the pictures from my phone to my email so I can post them!